The Mystical Teachings of Jesus | Mystical Christ Academy
Join David Hoffmeister as he discusses the mystical teachings of Jesus in the Bible, and how one can live those teachings in each moment.
The Mystical Christ Academy is part of our brand-new "Jesus: A Gospel of Love Online" platform and will be a program for Christian mystics wanting to go deeper in their spiritual practice. The Academy will include lots of interactivity with David and long-term students of his, a private online community for you to meet and interact with the other students, and weekly lessons to keep you on track (requiring only about 40 minutes per day). The Academy will also include as part of its package two of our monthly “Heart of Christ” online retreats with David and Frances Xu—a $300 value alone. Overall, this will be our most transformative online program ever, and we hope you will join us!
Learn more here: